Friday, November 22, 2013

Green Energy and Sustainability - Learning Stations

Thank you for attending my session on Green Energy and Sustainability-themed Learning Stations at the ACTFL Conference in Orlando. Below are the materials I referred to in my presentation, in a breakdown by the three main topics: (1) Consumption and Energy Use in Daily Life; (2) Traditional and Alternative Energy Sources; (3) Sustainability. Each material can be used separately or as part of a teaching block based on thematic  learning stations.  

The block CONSUMPTION AND ENERGY USE IN DAILY LIFE includes the following elective stations/tasks:

  1. Digital Station (level 4 and up):  Carbon Footprint Quiz: Students take a 10-minute fun online quiz analyzing their energy use and calculating their personal carbon footprint. The quiz gives personalized advice based on the responses on how each person can reduce their personal CO2 footprint. This can be followed by the evaluation and discussion of the results with a partner or in a small group. (
  2. Vocabulary review: everyday electric devices (level 3 and up). Optional extension: a critical look at personal energy consumption  (Elektrogeräte Arbeitsblatt.doc, Elektrogeräte.pdf, Energieverbrauch im Haus.pdf)
  3. Analytical reading (easy, Level 3): Compare the lifestyle and energy use of families on two different continents (Mit Energie Leben –Josselyn.pdf)
  4. Writing Station: AP-style email response (Email Stromkonsum.docx)
  5. Reading and discussion (Level 4 and up): Compare the consumption and energy demand of selected countries around the world: students at a station chose and read the profile of a country and report back to the group. Group discussion should focuses on revealing major differences in lifestyle and consumption around the world. (Energieverbrauchverschiedener Länder.pdf)
  6. Hungry Planet (level 3 and up): What do people eat around the world in one week: Students compare and discuss the food consumption of families around the world  based on a series of pictures:, or Hungry Planet PPT)
  7. Analytical reading (level 3 and up): Compare your daily energy use and CO2 balance with a German teenager (Lifestyle Energycheck.pdf)

The block TRADITIONAL AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES - RENEWABLE ENERGY includes the following discovery stations/tasks:

  1. Energy sources overview – Interaktive Energy-Module online:  Logo Website
  2. Nuclear power: the pros and cons - Discussion based on short critical reading (Meinung – Atomkraft.pdf)
  3. Deutsche Welle Video Podcast: Grüne Energie in Freiburg (Video,  Arbeitsblätter, Manuskript)
  4. The new job of cows  - Discovering the difference between biogas and natural gas (Biogas vs. Erdgas.pdf)
  5. Hydropower in a nutshell (Wasserkraft.pdf)
  6. Wind power in a nutshell (Windkraft.pdf)
  7. Fracking – a hot topic from the German perspective (5-minute informational video). A very controversial topic that will get students voice their opinions.
  8. Writing Station: What’s life in the 21st century like during a longer power outage? (SchreibenStromausfall.pdf)

The block SUSTAINABILITY, ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY CONSUMPTION includes the following elective stations/tasks:

  1. Viewing station: funny five-minute video about love, environment and competition: two boys compete for the love of Lizzy by impressing her with their energy-conscious  lifestyles
  2. Eco-Fun Station: What do environmentally conscious inmates want in jail? Solar cells! Read and translate German jokes about eco-mentality (Nachhaltigkeit Witze.doc)
  3. Wurst oder Marmelade? Get to work and create an environmentally friendly breakfast (Einheit Klimafrühstück.pdf)
  4. One man's trash is another man's treasure – Analyzing and discussing real-life situations: Trash or treasure – you decide! (Müll oder Wertstoff.pdf)
  5. Writing Station: AP-style email (EmailÖkoverein.doc)
  6. Reading/Listening station: Fair trade: Deutsche Welle Podcast and Article with Worksheet

Additional useful materials for learning station work

In die Sammelmappe der Lernenden:

  1. Erneuerbare Energien Schülerheft Sekundarstufe
  2. Erneuerbare Energien Sekundarstufe Lehrerhandreichung
  3. Erneuerbare Energien Schülerheft Grundschule (Einfachere Materialien für Deutschlernernende)
  4. Erneuerbare Energien Grundstufe Lehrerhandreichung
  5. Umweltfreundlich konsumieren – Schülerheft
  6. Umweltfreundlich konsumieren - Lehrerhandreichung
  7. Can bicycles power a carousel? Longer instructional unit with movie and analytical worksheets (too long for a learning station!)

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